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Tel: 248-569-5120

Southfield College Student Defense Attorney

Practical Solutions for Students and Parents

Sending a child to college is an exciting but uncertain time for a family. The young person becomes largely self-reliant for the first time and parents have less control over their child's decisions than ever before. As may be expected, some young people struggle with their newfound independence, making choices that result in civil disputes and possibly criminal charges.

The law views college students not as children, but as adults, who should be punished as adults if they commit a crime. A conviction could prevent a student from getting the job he or she desires, undermining the large investments of time and money your family made in sending the child to school. Similarly, the cost of a civil lawsuit could force a student to leave school.

At Salinger and Associates, we give practical, common-sense advice and representation to students and parents in the Detroit, Michigan, area. Our college student defense lawyers work hard to find the least disruptive way to resolve issues so that the student can stay in school and maintain a clean criminal record.

What About University Discipline?

Universities are able to hand down administrative punishments that are separate from the legal system. These punishments could include dismissal from school. Our Southfield attorneys are able to counsel students facing university disciplinary hearings and present witnesses on our clients' behalf. As lawyers, we try to show that while the student may have made a poor choice, he or she should be allowed to stay in school and complete a degree.

Royal Oak Juvenile Crime Lawyers

Our criminal defense practice also includes representing juveniles (children under age 18) accused of crimes in southeast Michigan. We believe strongly in protecting the rights of young people and preventing a conviction from following a child into adulthood, where the conviction could cause problems getting a job or finding housing.

Defending Against a Broad Range of Charges

We handle a variety of criminal and civil matters on behalf of juveniles and college students, including:

  • Assault
  • Drunk driving
  • Drug possession
  • Property damage
  • Lease disputes and roommate conflicts
  • Credit card default issues
  • Theft

Contact a Detroit Criminal Defense Lawyer: Free Consultation

If you would like to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney at Salinger and Associates, please call 248-569-5120. You can also contact our law firm online.